
A Short Retrospective

Looking back through the past year I naturally gravitated towards the idea book and calendar I used to keep. While I did find some dormant post ideas I might resurrect for this site, I thought this short idea (gripe really) was much more entertaining; plus I’m not too sure when I would ever post this other than now. A list of words/phrases that don’t necessarily have anything to do with electronics but ones I can’t stand nevertheless.
Here we go:
  1. Infotainment
  2. Blogosphere (I know I’m about 10 years late on that one but it still irks me)
  3. [Anything]-palooza
  4. [Anything]-czar
  5. “Let’s compare apples to apples”
  6. Pieces parts
That is all.


Ah wait! In other news, this is my hundredth post (feels like it’s been longer). Yay for using a Base10 numbering system that gives arbitrary milestones!

By Chris Gammell

Chris Gammell is an engineer who talks more than most other engineers. He also writes, makes videos and a couple podcasts. While analog electronics happen to be his primary interests, he also dablles in FPGAs and system level design.

4 replies on “A Short Retrospective”

I really hate that anything that even smacks of conspiracy becomes [some short descriptor]-gate.

For heaven’s sake, can’t people be original? I bet half the people using it aren’t even sure where it came from….

The 24 hour TV news-palooza today borders on infotainment, lacking any sort of creativity as witnessed by the consensus of the blogosphere. To create neologism for issues of the day, all these news networks do is to take sound bite pieces parts and append -gate at the end. But to compare apples to apples, were news organizations in the past any better? I’m not old enough to have that kind of perspective.

Surely Obama should appoint a Language Czar to handle this issue. The new czar should be given wide ranging powers to deal with language pet peeves, the Negro dialect, and any and all future languagegates that may appear.

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