
Same Show, Same Time, Different Location

We finished recording the 3rd installment of our newly-named radio show–“The Amp Hour”–last night. The show focused on a couple different topics, we were trying to stay a little bit more focused than we had been previously. Anyway, be sure to click the link above to get to the podcast/radio show, I don’t plan on putting the audio on this page anymore. I would also suggest that you try out the RSS feed on The Amp Hour, it’s the easiest way to get up to date info on the program; plus I’d like to discontinue posting that there is a new episode up on both that site and this one.

Speaking of this site, I realize there hasn’t been much writing lately as I’ve kind of sidetracked into the audio side of things. If I was being completely honest, I’d say it’s easier to just spout what I think about a subject than to sit down and write out a coherent article. But I really plan to get back into that in the near future. The theme is finished for the new site, we’re all set up to stream or feed podcast readers and our show content seems to kind of evolve over the course of the week. All this hopefully points to me having a little more time forĀ writing about analog and random other things. Thanks for hanging in there, if you happen to be.

By Chris Gammell

Chris Gammell is an engineer who talks more than most other engineers. He also writes, makes videos and a couple podcasts. While analog electronics happen to be his primary interests, he also dablles in FPGAs and system level design.