I am going on my first vacation in many years. But it won’t be sitting on a beach…I want to meet people! Either Contextual Electronics students, listeners of The Amp Hour or just random internet friends!
Another thing on my schedule is meeting my co-host of nearly 7 years face to face. Perhaps we can make a non-doctored version of this photo?

Here is my tentative schedule:
- New Zealand (arrive 3/30)
- March 30th – Meetup at Galbraith’s Alehouse in Auckland at 6 pm – 9 pm (Map)
- April 1st – Meetup at the Fork and Brewer in Wellington at 4 pm – 8 pm (Map)
- Australia
- Sydney Meetup – TBD
- Melbourne Meetup – TBD
This is all subject to change, but will also include more details over time! I’m hoping to do a meetup in the various locations I’ll be stopping in, in order to have a pint with the locals and hear more about the technology and culture. I’ll add these to my itinerary as they get planned. If you would like to assist setting these up, it is very helpful to hear from a local about a pub or meeting location that might be a good fit.
If there are other things I should be seeing or other people I should be meeting, please comment below or email chris@chrisgammell.com with the subject “Australia / New Zealand Trip”
22 replies on “Australia / New Zealand Trip”
If you would like to see some rail electronics from the 80s and maybe a trip to day dream island then the Whitsunday should be on your list.
Pity you can’t make it to South Oz.
But you can try this just about anywhere in the country!
How far south? Melbourne doesn’t count?
South Oz = the state of South Australia. I’m assuming Adelaide.
Fixed that for ya.
Maybe you’ve already organised somewhere with Dave for Sydney (Dave might have suggested something closer to him in the northwest.) but I would have suggested maybe the Clock Hotel Surry Hills (www.clockhotel.com.au). It’s 5-10 minutes minutes walk from Central Station near Sydney’s CBD. It’s also near major bus routes but not great for car parking. I would have suggested the 8th(Sat) or 9th(Sun) or maybe 13th in the evening . 13th is a Thursday but the Friday is a public holiday so most people won’t have work the next day. But then Thursday evening might be difficult for people making Easter religious obligations or they might still be on holidays with kids. NSW school holidays will be from 8th til 17th or thereabouts.
You’re welcome to check out Sydney’s Robots & Dinosaurs makerspace but if you’ve seen one makerspace you’ve seen them all. Best time would be daytime on a Saturday.
Hi Simon,
I just priced the trip I will be taking from Mackay to Melbourne and it is affordable. Living in North QLD I have to fly to the capitals all the time for work. Im sure flight from Adelaide to Melbourne is affordable. My return flight will be around $250.00 and I will be in the air around 3 hours. This is with Virgin. I think as a community we should make the effort.
Anyone that will be going to the Melbourne meet up that will be flying in. If you would like to synchronize flights and accommodation and also split a hire car send me an email. adam.strong09@gmail.com
Looking at flying from Perth to Sydney on or around 6th April for the meetups and would welcome any recommendations on (cheapish) accomodations and places to see.
My first thought was say Darling Harbour, but while that isn’t a bad place for an ale or two, for anyone bringing something in, that could actually be a bit of a nuisance because of the other foot traffic in the area.
On the upside, it is pretty pleasant during the evening and HMAS Vampire (Daring Class destroyer) is pretty cool to look over when they light her up.
“The Rocks” is another place that isn’t bad for an ale or two (or three ….) but again, it will be a bit of a nuisance for those who want to bring something in.
My best suggestion at this stage would still be Darling Harbour but I’m fairly open to other suggestions….
If you need a hand organising Auckland meet up then I can help out. Just let me know!
(and yes, thats how we spell it down here…)
Hi Chris, I’d be up for a meetup in the Gold Coast area, about an hour and a half’s drive from me.
Not sure about venues, but I could ask around for a suitable pub.
Would definitely be interested in a Melbourne meetup (even if it is Easter). We have countless nice bars to choose from.
“won’t be sitting on a beach”… “Head to Gold Coast”… Just sayin’ 🙂
Anyway for Sydney I agree with the Darling Harbour and Surrey Hills suggestions. The Rocks is ideal for drinks but the pubs are a bit small/crowded for meetups.
Northwest is great for those like me who live or work out that way, but a right pain for anyone else…
Will be in Sydney between the 6th and the 11th, hope a meetup falls between those two dates.
Less than a week now for Auckland.
Galbraiths just around the corner from work – I’m in 🙂
Hoping to see you in Sydney
Not going to the Gold Coast now Chris? Still interested in a meetup if you do.
+1 for the gold coast. A shame if you can’t make it here after all.
Here’s my vote – the Bank hotel in Newtown. They have a bar out the back with a good variety of craft beers, space to spread out and it’s a pretty cool place to hang out. Newtown’s also way cooler than the city, even though it’s very close (the city can get a bit pretentious). And the bar is right next to Newtown station. You’ll no doubt see all the city sights on other days; experience a less touristy culture and come out to Newtown! 🙂
Hey Chris,
There are a bunch of us electrical engineering students at UNSW that all listen to the amp hour, it would be great to meet up with you and Dave if possible!