I am absolutely floored by the internet every single day. I often wonder to myself if given the proper linking, guidance and mentoring, whether schools are even necessary any more (maybe the different methods are exactly what we need). This would of course also require some strong drive to learn and a whole lot of time on your hands, not to mention eyes that can bear reading computers screens all day.
But I think it is possible; Some schools have even offered up their entire course catalogs online.
Me? I’m an information glutton. I will get 10 books from the library just because I get so excited about them, even if I only have time to read 2. As such, I thought I would clue everyone in to the absolute wealth of information on analog technology on the web. Most of the information you are going to find will be in the form of application notes (basically a cookbook on how to use a particular circuit). But sometimes you will find actual courses and training. I’ll be sure to list these first. If you know of any other great resources, please leave them in the comments section! Enjoy!
National Semiconductor – The Analog University. Forget saving the best for last, this is by far the best resource I have found to date. There are full length courses that would make MIT blush.
Texas Instruments – This site has information on the entire spectrum of design from learning a concept, picking parts, creating the design and then simulating it.
Linear Technology (link 2) – These are app and design notes from one of the more robust companies out there. There are also some great articles, some by none other than the great Jim Williams. See other work by Jim here.
Analog Devices (link 2) (link 3) – Analog devices is a monster supplier and has a lot of resources at their disposal. This allows for some great learning content. The links listed include the AnalogDialogue, a nice forum for analog discussion.
Here are some others with mostly app notes, but don’t discount them:
NXP Semiconductor (formerly Philips Semiconductor)
That’s all I have for now in terms of online resources. I think I’ve maybe gone through about 2% of everything available, so I’ve got some reading to do!
On a side note, I’d like to welcome readers from the Motley Fool! Thanks for coming and feel free to take a look around!